Konnichi wa Haiku Series: Part 2

Skytree District

Image result for skytree tokyo

Listening to Bon Iver’s recent album, 22, A Million, I was especially stuck on Track 3, called 715 Creeks. 715 is the area code in NW Wisconsin, where Bon Iver’s frontman hails from.

You can listen to the song here:


I was sitting on a cold October morning along a creek just beneath the Sky Tree tower, in NE Tokyo. I had a persimmon and hot lemon tea, and was writing a haiku, with the lyrics of Creeks on my mind because of the river by my feet.

So I took the first line of the song and moved on.

Down along the creek,

I dole crumbs and dates to larks.

Freezing, that day we spoke.

October 22